We Reviewed over 52 Brands & 91 Formulations for the Best Dog Kibble in Canada & USA.


Moonlight Natural Pet Store is a downtown Vancouver pet store carrying quality raw pet food, good quality dog and cat treats & natural products for cats & dogs. We conduct almost all our pet research but it is not meant to be a substitute for talking with your holistic vet. Our backgrounds in our former lives include doing a lot of research. We bring these research skills to trying to cut through the noise. We hope we succeed bringing you a bit more understanding of your pet's health, nutrition and training.

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4 responses

  1. RickB says:

    We’ve been giving our 2yr old Orijen Original but she doesn’t seem to like it as much lately and I’ve noticed the colour and texture of the kibble has changed a bit from when we first started buying it. Also I read that the company has been bought by Mars. Just wondering if you have any knowledge of formula or ingredient change.

    • Eb says:

      Hi Rick, thanks for reaching out. (Sorry for the late response, we had an issue receiving comments). As far as we know there has been no change in the formula or ingredient change. Mars seems to not messing with a good thing…. yet. Typically, from batch to batch you’d expect to see some colour change as they are not adding any artificial colour to a good food like this. The colour will be dependent on the raw materials going in not some artificial colouring agent. Texture should also be fairly similar. In your case, have you fed your 2 year old dog the same food for a long period of time? If that is the case, she’s bored with it. An equivalent would be you eating grilled chicken for every meal for a long time, you’d get sick of it. We normally recommend rotating foods so pick maybe 2 different formulations of Orijen e.g. Regional Red (red meats) and feed 1 bag and then switch back to the Original and feed 1 bag etc. It tends to be better nutrition as well.

  2. Deb says:

    Hi! We’ve been feeding our dog Acana, and have noticed that she doesn’t really like it anymore. A dachshund not wanting her breakfast is unusual! When I went to their website, and the website of where we purchase it, I’ve noticed that there have been others leaving bad reviews in the past few months. Typically, the reviews are that their dogs used to love this brand, but now won’t eat it, or are developing issues (skin/digestion/etc). Maybe there is something that has changed with the processing of the food. I’m wondering if it is the brand, which would such a shame. Just a thought.

    • Eb says:

      Hi Deb,
      We’ve not had that feedback yet. We do not know your dachshund but here are a few thoughts that if you have not tried might help.
      1) Have you fed your dog the same Acana for a while? It may be bored of that particular protein combo. The analogy we often use is that it may be like going to the same cook all the time. If they make the same food, it can get boring. We understand that people assume dogs don’t have that characteristic but it does happen.
      2) Start with samples of a different Acana or Orijen and see if your dachshund likes that flavour. We normally recommend rotation of proteins as it is better nutrition and secondly, prevents the “bored of this food” issue.
      3) Hopefully, you’ve checked to make sure your dachshund is not ill as that may also be a cause of not wanting to eat.
      Let us know how it goes.

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