Digestion, Upset Stomach, Probiotics

Digestive strength is integral to your dog’s health. The better your pup digests their food the more the building blocks of a healthy body can be absorbed and utilized. Issues such as diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting or constipation can throw off the balance. Luckily here at Moonlight Natural Pet Store we’ve curated the best pet probiotics on the market, as well as digestive enzymes, bone broth and pumpkin (which helps to resolve stomach issues or improve your dog or cat's digestion).

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When a dog has diarrhea, our first instinct as dog parents is to suspect their food. It is possible that is the case, however as dogs explore the world through their mouth as well, it is important to be vigilant and problem solve for what is causing the dog upset stomach. We suggest slippery elm and Honest Kitchen Perfect Form to solve the initial upset stomach. If your dog is not eating, try the Honest Kitchen Bone broth dry versions to give them something that is calming on the stomach. Once that is sorted out, we suggest dog probiotics for normal maintenance and to make sure that there is not an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your dog's gut such as Clostridium perfingren. Antibiotics will also deplete the good bacteria in your pet’s intestinal tract. Remember to provide your dog with probiotics after a round of antibiotics. We have some great products that can help such as Dr. Mercola Dog Probiotics , Adored Beast, Olie Naturals and more supplements! Keep in mind that we offer Canada-wide shipping on all these products. For more information on Pumpkin for dog diarrhea, see our blog on: Benefits of Pumpkin: Tips for quickly stopping dog diarrhea!