BC's Best Raw Cat Food

BC’s BEST Raw Pet Food is what you look for when you want great quality, grass-fed, grass-finished, vet-formulated raw pet food. The core values that drove these farmers and vet to create this raw pet food were simply better pet health using local fresh ingredients from sustainable and humane agriculture. BC’s Best Raw raw food for cats has two protein lines (beef and lamb). With the idea that the food that cats ate varied seasonally in nature, this raw pet food has two product lines where the fruits, vegetables and herbs from B.C are rotated in seasonally (fall/winter and spring/summer).

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BC’s Best Raw Pet Food provides great quality raw food with two protein lines (beef and lamb) for cats. With the idea that the food that cats and dogs ate varied seasonally in nature, this raw pet food has two product lines where the fruits, vegetables and herbs from B.C are rotated in seasonally (fall/winter and spring/summer). Their grass-fed meats are better nutritionally than most organic, as those meats may be fed grains, which change the omega fats composition for the worse.