irRAWsistible Raw Dog Food

irRawsistible Raw Pet Food is irresistibly Canadian. irRawsistible is frozen raw pet food with no grains, fillers, chemical preservatives, hormones or antibiotics. Like all the raw pet food, we bring into Moonlight Natural Pet Store, this frozen raw dog food is balanced and uses eggshell calcium and fresh vegetables/fruits in patties or medallion meals. They also have the only organic beef for raw pet food.

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irRawsistible is BC raw dog food with no grains, fillers, chemical preservatives, hormones or antibiotics. Like all the raw pet food, we bring into Moonlight Natural Pet Store, this raw pet food is balanced and uses eggshell calcium and fresh vegetables/fruits in patties or medallion meals. The raw food supplier also has the only organic beef for raw pet food.